Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Two States

I am not an avid reader but I read all of Chetan Bhagat's books (liked first and last one particularly the most). It looks like many youths (who are not regular readers) are also flocking to the book stores or to the footpath/signal (to get pirated copies) or asking their "reader" friends for borrowing the latest book "Two states".

The sale of "Two states" has exceeded newspaper sales since the launch (Oct-2009).!!
The number of prints done for this book was unheard in Indian Publishing industry!!

Well, why did I(and so many youths) like it? I guess the major reason is that core of the story is about the unrelenting fight even in toughest times (without losing hope) and still coming out in flying colours. Another major theme is love being the highest priority among any other thing in life (and yes it is definitely worth it). "Slumdog Millionaires" had similar underlying themes.

Love is the best feeling in this planet which enters your life without knocking and does not know any of the society's bounds of wealth,place,colour,caste,religion or sometimes even age...After death, it is the best leveller!!!!
However, it should not be confused with infatuation or the one which happens after checking the status/bank balance or even so called "love at first sight" etc etc.

Chetan's ability to connect with the readers is also the most important reason. Inside the "masala" story, lies the real story which touches our heart as every reader finds bits of story quite similar to the one he has seen aound or experiencing.

The book is about a love story between a Punjabi boy and Tamil girl who "fight" with their destiny to convince their parents. Even though it is full of " bolywood masala", the inspiration is from Chetan's life itself who is from Delhi and between his wife Anusha (clasmate in IIM-A) hailing from Tamil Nadu.

The story created by God is always way ahead than any other story "imagined" by any story writer. I guess it is the major reason for the fact that I liked "Five Point Someone" and The "Two States" pretty much.

In the modern India after the liberalisation in 90s and increase in MNCs , love marriages have become quite common and working boys and girls are seeking their soul mates in college/work place (and sometimes even in school). But, this story is no ordinary story. There are ups and downs, there is drama, there is love, there is struggle and ultimately a happy ending... A perfect bolywood movie!!!

I wish every love story in this word had a perfect ending like that.


  1. i started reading 2 states. been thru few chaps, realized i know 2 such real persons, one from iit and his friend from tn :P

  2. @SRG: Did you really get the book after being inspired by alok's review? :O

  3. I purchased the book on th first day..finished reading in 4/5 hrs :-D
